- General Assembly



       - Economic and General Affairs

         Committee (EGAC)



       - Technical and Reception Control 

         Committee (TRCC)



       - Board of Directors (BOD)



       - Presidium



       - CIBE staff






Chair: Fredrik LARSSON (SE)     Vice-Chair: Krzysztof NYKIEL (PL)


 Secretary: Pascale TYCHON (BE)





During its General Assembly in 2010, CIBE decided to merge its Technical and Reception Control Committees.

The committee's remit includes issues related to the relationship between growers and processors and the study of all the technical aspects of beet reception: equipment, methods and conditions.



Topics discussed by the TRCC include:


  • Agronomic issues concerning sugar beet growing,


  • Technical and economic issues linked to the harvest, transport and beet reception,


  • Environmental issues and the monitoring of the regulatory frameworks for plant protection product,


  • The emergence of non-food and energy uses for beet and its co-products.

It meets once a year (except during Congress years).